Wednesday, July 22, 2009

XV. His Royal Highness, The Black Pig (Reprise)

(This photo by Juan Martin del Campo, in addition to the one prior to this one. Yeeeyaaah)

I am happy to announce that the Black Pig is (finally) loose.

The EP Release last Saturday was a totes fun time. Marc Manning opened the evening with elegance and might. God bless that beautiful man. Tommy Mose Abbott was the perfect host/collaborator, and everyone in attendance...just perfect.

The limited-edition Black Pig Suite poster will soon be available on

The Black Pig Suite EP, however, eagerly awaits the click of your mouse!

Note the low, recession-flavored price of $3.99! For the price of 4 Jack in the Box tacos, you can own the Pig. I do make a super humble, super kind request to you, though: if you would like to share it with those you love (or those you love to be a pig with), please take a quick moment to direct them to, rather than e-mailing/uploading them the Black Pig. Yes, it's fun to share. People like you more when you share. But rest assured that I would LOVE you LONGTIME if you helped me recuperate the costs of conceiving, incubating and birthing the Black Pig. Thanks. :-)

Soooo many fun, horrific things are coming up. Thank you for listening and not running blindly through the halls.



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